The Blessed Bananas Virtual Puppet Show in URDU!
Join me on Saturday, February 6th for a super-fun and interactive virtual performance of The Blessed Bananas Puppet Show exclusively in...

An Eid of Ease
I am so grateful to God for making this the best Ramadan ever. Thank you to all of you for making my virtual charity puppet show such a...

Work & Worship: S.K. Ali, Muslim Author
I arrived a few minutes late to the bookshop and quietly took a seat towards the back as to not draw attention to myself. Nevertheless,...

Work & Worship: Melanie Elturk, CEO Haute Hijab
It has been a heavy week. I have cried randomly while driving, exercising, lying down, being with my kids, studying or cooking. The...

The Hereafter
When I was growing up, I was distinctly detached from my faith. You could say I was in a type of oblivion. Yes, we believed, we prayed...

Work & Worship: Bilqis Abdul-Qaadir, Muslim Athlete
We walked off the basketball court together and stepped onto our prayer mats. We recited verses from the Qur’an, sent prayers upon our...

When Your Child is Called a 'Terrorist'
We were able to get my son into the best public school in the district. Both my husband and I grew up in the public school system and...

The Blessed Bananas Wins Children's Book Award
Dearest Banana Lover, I pray you receive this email in the best of health and imaan, insha Allah, and are reaping immense blessings in...

This Isn't Monkey Business
You may have wondered why I chose a monkey as my main character in "The Blessed Bananas." I still remember the night my dad came home...

Tayyaba's Sans Sugar Super Moist Chocolate Cake
When I was expecting my 3rd, I developed gestational diabetes. I was devastated. I blamed myself, my diet, my genes, whatever. I was...