The Blessed Bananas
Our typical bedtime routine was to walk into our parents' bedroom, kiss them goodnight and tuck ourselves into bed. There were no bedtime stories or books to help us fall asleep.
Once I became a mother, I made sure I made my kids' bedtime routine a little more special. It's the perfect time for bonding and setting their little minds loose to dream beautiful dreams at night.
The Blessed Bananas was a wonderful byproduct of one of those bedtimes. I just came up with the story as I laid them to bed one night, but hearing it once was not enough for them. They would make me repeat the story often and repeatedly told me how it needs to be made into a book.
So, one day, I decided to type up this simple story and sent it into the IWA writing contest. Lo and behold, I won first place and knew my imagination had led me to a winner.
For the last two years, I have made it a mission to carry on the beautiful tradition of orally sharing stories and have been blessed to present The Blessed Bananas as a puppet show to kids all across America. I was then so fortunate to get picked up by award-winning publisher Prolance and also be able to find my super talented award-winning illustrator Melani Putri. Thanks to them, this bedtime story has now come to life as a book you can hold in your hands.
May your bedtime routines be a little warmer and your kids' dreams even sweeter with The Blessed Bananas.
Our first story, "That's Curious," emphasizes curiosity, as it is the first step associated with the learning process and essentially "primes" the brain for learning. Shireen shows Amira that curiosity leads to the discovery of new knowledge, which is often very rewarding.
In this book, we teach that the ruh, or soul, is the essence of the human body, the part that gives the body life. Just as we take care of our bodies, eating healthy and exercising, for example, so too must we take care of our souls.
In the society in which we live, it’s often the case that we are taught to embrace diversity or celebrate diversity in order to get along with others. Diversity reminds us of Allah’s (SWT) immense power as the Creator of all. By recognizing the differences among us, yet knowing we are all designed by the same entity, we can have a greater appreciation of Allah (SWT).
How do you act when nobody is watching? Noor KIds is excited to announce its latest book, "Take the High Road," which teaches Muslim children about integrity.
Shaytan is a wicked entity deceiving humankind to commit evil and wrongdoing. The name Shaytan refers to the jinn, Iblis, who ascended through his worship to the levels of the angels, but refused to bow down to Adam (AS), and thus vowed to persist in inviting humankind to the disobedience of Allah (SWT). In this book, we teach two key lessons about Shaytan.
Unity is the state of being joined as a whole. In Islam, Allah (SWT) and the prophets taught that we are not individuals alone, but part of a greater nation, an ummah, united by its belief in Islam.
Humility is a fundamental attribute of a believer. It may well be the one virtue of strong character that is a precondition of all the others. Humility is a modest view of oneself. In Islam, it is also having the awareness that all good qualities we have are granted by God, and that all praise and thanks is to Him.
Intention, or niyyah, is a vital part of our faith. In fact, it is a rukn (pillar) of salaah and other acts of worship. But what is intention and is it only important in acts of worship? In this book, we explain what sincere intention is and why it is important.
Everyone makes mistakes. This is why Islam teaches the importance of forgiveness, and we are repeatedly reminded that Allah (SWT) is the Most Forgiving and Merciful. In this book, we seek to (a) explain why we should forgive others, and (b) help children learn what steps they should take when they are in need of forgiveness. In our first story, “Forgive and Be Forgiven,” Amin realizes that when someone wrongs him, he shouldn’t retaliate.
Nobody can live forever. Allah (SWT) created us and gives us life, and Allah will decide when to end our lives and take us back to Him (2:156). Naturally, we might fear the time when loved ones will pass away, and we also might worry about when our own time will come. But our faith tells us about death and teaches us what we must do to prepare for the hereafter. In this book, we teach two key lessons.
In Book 6 of the Jannah Jewels Adventure Series, they travel to the city of Fes in Morocco. The Jannah Jewels learn about Fatima al-Fihri, the founder of the first university in the world, al-Qarawiyine. Can the Jannah Jewels solve the riddles to find the artifact in Fes before time runs out?
In Book 7 of the Jannah Jewels Adventure Series, they travel back in time to the Conquest of Constantinople and find themselves right in the middle of it! They learn about the great conqueror, Sultan Muhammad II and about the wonderful Companion named Abu Ayub al Ansari. Can the Jannah Jewels find the missing artifact and place it in the Golden Clock before time runs out?
In Book 8 of the Jannah Jewels Adventure Series, they travel back in time to Natchez, Mississippi. There, they meet Prince Ibrahima Abdur Rahman, a West African prince who was captured and lived most of his life as a slave in America. Can the Jannah Jewels solve the clues to find the missing artifact in Natchez before time runs out?
In Book 9 of the Jannah Jewels Adventure Series, they travel back in time to the once beautiful city of Aleppo in Syria. There, they meet Queen Dayfa Khatun, a loved and pious ruler, who took great care of her people and was an advocate of learning. Can the Jannah Jewels solve the clues to find the 9th artifact in Aleppo before time runs out?